Highly Qualified Small Business Bookkeepers
Using Best Practices...

The principals at Small Business Bookkeeping Solutions have been bookkeepers in Calgary since 1999 and operate what we consider to be the best practices for bookkeepers with regards to accuracy, timeliness, customer service and affordability. You can rest assured that our bookkeepers are all certified professionals.




 Peter Singleton

 Managing Partner & Founder















 Andrea Sinclair

 Accountant / Bookkeeper

















 Sandra Amundson

 Accountant / Bookkeeper












Financial Stress is One of the Leading Factors to Business Failure
Let Our Calgary Bookkeepers Relieve Some of Your Stress
With a Monthly Operating Statement So You Know Exactly Where Your Financials Are At...

In today's highly competitive world, managing a business can be a very demanding job. There just doesn't seem to be enough time for everything that needs to be done.  Hiring a bookkeeper can relieve some of the financial stress of running a business. We can create an operating statement for you that will let you know exactly where your receivables, payables and profits are at for the current month, by the 5th of the following month.

When should I hire a bookkeeper?

It's highly recommended that you hire a bookkeeper as soon as you start your business at the very least to show you how everything works so that if you decide to do the bookkeeping yourself, it will be done correctly. That way you'll avoid all the mistakes that novices make. At the end of the year, bring us back in to make sure that no mistakes have been made. Our bookkeepers can cost as little as 4 hours per year, dependent on your activity.

What’s the difference between what a Bookkeeper does and what an Accountant does?

A bookkeeper makes sure that your business’ income and expenses are all recorded properly, typically using bookkeeping software. An accountant then takes the bookkeeping data and forms the reporting necessary for the Canadian Revenue Agency. The challenge is when the bookkeeping data has been entered incorrectly. That makes the reports that the Accountant prepares, also incorrect. The importance of using a first-rate bookkeeper is key to making informative business decisions.